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The team

Our events couldn’t happen without our family of volunteers who give their time, energy and enthusiasm in bounds.

Mark Biddle

Organisation Co-Lead

Mark is an experienced communications professional who has worked in a number of public sector organisations, including local authorities, housing associations, and healthcare.

He has worked predominantly in digital communications roles, leading on the development of websites and developing social media strategies.

Mark is currently Corporate Communications Lead at UCLPartners, a health innovation partnership with a mission to help five million people from North London to the Essex coast live longer, healthier lives.

Simon Greenwood

Organisation Co-Lead

Simon is a senior manager in NHS England’s London Region, specialising in performance and planning within London’s acute hospitals.

Having spent most of his career on the railways, he made the jump into healthcare in 2022 and wasted little time in getting involved with TEDxNHS, having first attended back in 2019.

Although he is now a massive Swiftie, in his younger days Simon could be found DJing and promoting club nights in trendy parts of London, experiences which he hopes will stand him in good stead as a TEDxNHS co-organiser and performer coach.

Alex Booth

Logistics Co-Lead

Alex is currently working in transformations work in the NHS. Having had a previous background as a physiotherapist. When he’s not at work he’s usually exercising and enjoys TEDx because they push the boundaries and aren’t afraid to rock the boat a little!

Faith Agbakoba

Audience Experience Co-Lead

Faith currently works in NHS England and has a rich NHS background across Health Informatics, Change Management and Digital Transformation. She joined the TEDxNHS team in 2024 and is excited to contribute to platforming NHS innovation and diverse untold stories.

Together with Jason, Faith will focus on ensuring our audience have an engaging on the day experience filled with different offers; they will also have TEDxNHS merchandise covered !

Dr Heather MacFarlane

Curation Lead

Heather is a GP, university tutor and ICB clinical lead from South-East London. She has been a member of the TEDxNHS organising team since 2019 and is passionate about making a difference through the power of storytelling and personal insight. She was first taken to a TEDxNHS event by a colleague and was struck by the authenticity and impact TEDx speakers had on their audience; the clear benefit to patients, families and NHS staff when we open our hearts and minds to new ideas.

When time allows, Heather enjoys open-water swimming and singing in a Gospel choir as well as travelling and spending time with friends and family. Some interesting facts about Heather is she can juggle, can dance the Highland Fling and was a drummer in a band.

Jason Jeevaruban

Audience Experience Co-Lead

Jason is currently on the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme (GMTS), a fast-track leadership development programme, and is undertaking a placement at a consultancy, with a focus on health. Having worked as both a paramedic and an NHS manager, Jason has a keen interest in ensuring that patients and people are heard and involved in the design and development of their care and the growing role of technology to meet the needs of a dynamic population and workforce.

Working as a team with Faith, Jason will focus on ensuring that everyone feels part of the TEDxNHS family, that all attendees on the day have access to offers, merchandise and are able to leave inspired, empowered and ready to take action in their own journeys.

Georgina Charlton

Volunteer Co-Lead and Curator

Georgina has a clinical background as a Diagnostic Radiographer but now specialises in Organisational Change within the NHS.

She joined the team in 2020 and is known for finding the legend…Rae!

Alex Prinsley

Partnership Lead

Alex is a senior NHS leader in a central London trust. She has been involved in TEDxNHS since its launch in 2016 and continues to enjoy watching the organisation grow and develop.

Dr Aiswarya Nagasubramony

Logistics Co-Lead

Aiswarya is a GP trainee based in London with an interest in digital and women’s health. As a first time member of the TEDxNHS team, she is very excited to be a part of showcasing impactful and uplifting NHS stories.

Aside from TEDx, Ash enjoys playing the guitar, spending time with friends and family, and bingeing reality TV.